The RMIT Super Urban Lab explores ways of rethinking cities through architectural and urban design.

The Super Urban Lab is a multi-disciplinary cluster within the RMIT University School of Architecture & Urban Design that explores future scenarios for buildings and cities through architectural and urban design practice.

The lab uses design as a tool to test and model the spatial impact of emerging technologies, policies, economic and social forces that shape the city. This approach differentiates itself from traditional urban decision making, foregrounding modelled and visualised spatial outcomes of decisions. Design practice research provides a framework through which diverse inputs can be synthetised into clear and understandable outcomes (such as 3D models, images, drawings, models) which can be properly evaluated by researchers, policy makers and members of the public. Through spatial modelling it is possible to accurately assess the financial, social, environmental impacts of decisions, to speculate on alternative approaches to city making and to unlock value in our urban environments.

The lab undertakes experimental and applied research working with public and commercial partners. We work with partners to develop techniques to combine design, data and policy, translating these to strategies with value to industry and the community. We work in close collaboration with traditional research frameworks, either in modelling the outcomes of traditional research or by developing speculative design scenarios for scientific analysis and evaluation.

The Super Urban Lab is committed to the development of innovative urban models that address the complex challenges facing future cities.


Get In Touch

RMIT School of Architecture & Urban Design

RMIT University
GPO Box 2476
Melbourne VIC 3001

+61 3 9925 5000